Foster Care Story – We aren’t super-humans..

Jun 24, 2019 | Foster Care Stories

Our story,
We fell into foster care with a precious 6-month-old baby girl. For us fostering has been a journey of incredible joys, sorrows and a million precious normal moments in between, constantly sending a message of love & acceptance to all our children.

My biggest challenge is communicating with everyone outside our world that we’re not superhuman, or “really good people”. We just believed that if not us, then who? I still struggle with the separation between why we’d foster when it could be “so much easier” without the complexities. By embracing the uncertainty of her journey and looking in those precious eyes I just chose her, complexities and all. I figure other people might not ever understand and I’m at peace with that.

We are incredibly imperfect & as a foster parent, I’m always learning, practicing humility, patience, & tolerance. It is hard, raising a child with a team of experts, professionals & biological parents. But at the end of the day, I am so thankful that she’s at home with us, & that we have the capacity to give her love as her foundation.

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Do you have room in your heart for a child who needs it?

North West Office
Camp Clayton Facility
41 Clayton Rd, Ulverstone, Tas 7315

Northern Office
Door of Hope Complex
Glen Dhu Street, South Launceston 7249

Kentish House
16-18 Station Street, Sheffield 7306


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